Compact U-PVC Sewage Pipes according to norm UNI EN 1401. Dimensional range form 110 mm to 800 mm. The rubber ring gasket of our PVC Sewage Pipes has a high annular rigidity, up to 8KN/m 2 and the use of a pre-inserted ring (when the pipe is still hot), called SEWER LOCK, allows to use this pipe in all industrial and civil sewage, both for sewer, white and mixed waters.
Sewerlock is a sealing system for pipes really usefull for sewage applications. It’s an integrated system working with a seal and spindle, thus acting as a tool, which forms the socket during production.
The design and function of the gasket is a sealing gasket composite, made of:
• An element of fl exible rubber in order to obtain an excellent sealing between socket and
the pipe end inserted into it.
• A material of reinforcement of polypropylene, glued to the rubber, which keeps the
gasket fi xed in its seat.
In this way the gasket becomes part of the tool which forms the socket and makesit possible to reduce irregularities and tolerances.
The SEWERLOCK gaskets are made of two different materials. For diameters up to diameter 400 mm the welding element is TPE and the element which guarantees tightness is PP. TPE corresponds to the requests of the European Standard 681-2, class 60. For diameters bigger than 400 mm, the welding element is EPDM 50 +/- 5 IRHD,
corresponding to the European Standard EN 681-1.
On request Lareter can foward technical data sheets of Forsheda Powerlock for PVC Sewage Pipes .
Advantages of this gasket:
The gasket Forsheda Powerlock is conform or superior to the European Standards, valid at this moment regarding water treatment and sewage systems, installed both under and above ground.